I went to lunch with a friend the other day to ask him about his company’s marketing journey.
You see, I knew that he and his partner had hired a marketing coach a couple of years back. I wanted to find out what their experience was like and where they had challenges and successes along the way.
This particular company is very typical of the small, service-based businesses that I focus on in my own marketing practice. They would tell you that they’re a couple of accountants who are really good at what they do and enjoy the clients they work with. They would also tell you that they weren’t marketing people who knew how to attract a steady stream of new business.
I asked my friend if there was a particular point in time or event that finally triggered their marketing breakthrough. I wanted to understand what they learned through their own trial and error. I wanted to see if there was something specific that helped them finally crack the code on marketing.
At first he thought the answer was when they finally narrowed down their target market. They finally defined a niche that was a very good fit for them, made sense to them, and helped...