When you make an investment from a simple bank certificate of deposit to a large shopping mall you are going to be buying from someone whose greatest skill is employing sales closing techniques. Their skill in closing a sale will not include safeguarding your money or earning you any profit. And their number one priority is to make their sales quota to keep their job. It is only your personal education, experience and due diligence that can protect your money from the numerous people on the other side of the table.
It is a dilemma that in order to invest, youll be face to face with professionals who do not have your financial interest at stake but they will all appear to be. Sales people will appear to be on your side right up until the moment you write a check or sign a commitment. Then any problems are yours alone, their verbal promises go up in smoke, they stop returning your phone calls and the fine print suddenly negates the possibility of getting a single dime back from your investment. In my experience, a salespersons top priority is never your best financial interest, and you need to realize this no matter how friendly they are or how polished their sales...