Whether or not you can rely on Pay-Per-Click Advertising will depend upon the products or services you have to offer and how well you promote your website. Advertising via Pay-per-Click involves depositing some money with a Pay-per-Click advertising company. The good news is that you only pay when someone clicks into your site. With some Pay-per-Click companies, you can set the amount you wish to spend, which is good for small businesses which have a limited advertising budget.
The biggest PPC companies in the market as of 2007 are Google AdWords, Yahoo! Search Marketing, and MSN adCenter. Other popular PPC companies include Ask, Kanoodle, LookSmart, Miya, and Yandex..
Prices per click start from as little as US$0.01 and rise to US$0.50 and more depending on the polularity of the keyword or search terms and the popularity of the PPC company.
In order for Pay-per-Click advertising to work, you need to make sure that the websites you choose to use are visible enough for the advertising to be worthwhile; in other words you need to choose the right sites where people may be looking for the type of products and services that you are selling. For example, if you...