Smallmouth bass is regarded to be ranked among the hardest fighting freshwater fish. It is also often referred to as the brown bass, brownies, bronzebacks, smalls and smallies. Many anglers and fishermen love the challenge of catching these aggressive fishes and the great feeling after a well-fought battle.
Smallmouth bass fishes are well thought-out by most people to be the sportiest freshwater fish. They are known for their fighting stamina and beyond belief leaping ability. Like largemouths, they will take almost any kind of lure or bait, but they commonly prefer smaller sizes. Favorites include jigs, crankbaits, spinners, streamer flies, shiner minnow, crayfish, hellgrammites, leeches, and nightcrawlers.
The jaw of a brown bass, which extends directly below the eye, is smaller compared to that of a largemouth bass. Its cheeks have from twelve to seventeen rows of scales and the dorsal fins are joined with ten spines and thirteen to fourteen soft rays.
It is golden bronze or brown in color, with a lighter, more creamy underbelly that the largemouth which has a greenish one. It has vertical dark bands or marks on the sides and its eyes have a dash of...