A trend is emerging; donating cars have become very fashionable. Does it mean humanitarian issues have become the forefront of Americas priorities? Hopefully, but with the financial crisis, conceivably the tax deductions pose a greater advantage that the charitable one. If tax write offs are the biggest issue here, let us help our fellow citizens and immigrants not only get the tax reprieve you also help other people in the process.
Car Donation
Perhaps it must be reiterated that the definition of a car donation is a contribution towards an altruistic cause without repayment of any tangible gain. The gift is usually in the form of a car that has lost its use to the owners.
Identity Crisis
The most commonly committed error is the mistaken identity. What? Well, people usually mistake car donation services for the charity themselves, and herein lies the ambiguity of the matter. When you go to Google and type in car donation you end up with pages and pages of websites all claiming to work for the common good.
Actually, some if not most of these car donation services are business entities in themselves. This is because they get your car right at...