Purchasing a new vehicle requires more than just deciding what type of car to buy and how much to pay. Unless you have a lot of cash saved and can buy the car upfront, you will have to decide upon some type of financing.
Before choosing a car finance company, you will want to compare prices and rates. While it is convenient to have the car dealership set up your loan and payment plan, in most cases this is not the best option. A dealer will submit your credit information to several lenders but this does not mean you are getting the best deal. A car dealerships first priority is to make money and they will pick the lender that offers them the best commission. However, their commission is based on the interest rate that you are charged.
Car dealerships have business relationships with banks, credit unions, and other types of finance companies. The finance company allows the dealership to increase the amount of your interest rate. The extra amount you are charged in interest goes to the dealership in exchange for your business. The dealership makes a profit, the lender gets their original asking interest rate, and the customer ends up paying too much in interest...