Obtaining a car loan with bad credit is possible. However, if you rush in to the first offer youre presented, youll end up paying exorbitant interest rates and fees and getting ripped off by unscrupulous lenders. Bad Credit is a drawback, but you dont have to humbly accept whatever they have to offer, seek for other options. Youll soon find out that there are plenty of lenders willing to approve your loan at more reasonable rates.
Credit Score:
Your credit score is important but it is not the only requirement. A Bad Credit score doesnt make it impossible for you to get a loan but it will affect the interest rate youll have to pay.
Taking that into account, get a copy of your credit report and read it with care. Be aware that credit agencies are required by law to provide you with a free copy of your credit report; dont pay for this. Look for any inconsistencies in your credit report and act immediately if you find any. Credit Agencies are also required to consider your request of amendment and correct any mistake they could have made.
Stable employment:
Youll also be required to have a steady job. Each lender has different requirements...