Car mileage matters especially when you have become concerned with the rising gasoline prices. Using a car with a good mileage for every gallon of gasoline that you use would allow you to save up quite a lot. Bette mileage is not just reserved for newer and better cars. In fact good mileage can also be enjoyed even by older vehicles. Mileage of your car actually depends on several factors.
One of the main factors that affect a cars mileage is how you drive. Driving manners and habits have a great deal to do with car mileage. For example, a driver prone to sudden accelerations and heavy braking can use up quite an amount of gas per distance traveled. This is because quick accelerations and sudden braking can use up more fuel since it puts the vehicle into sudden strains. In fact, aggressive driving can actually affect fuel economy by as much as 30 percent in highways and about 5 percent in town and city inroads.
High speed driving may also affect a cars mileage. Driving fast usually increases a cars aerodynamic drag. This means that the faster that a car travels, the greater the wind resistance becoming a factor in fuel economy. Habitual idling can also affect a...