Career Talk, The Dental Practice And What’s With All The Smiley Faces?
If youre considering a career in the dental field this article is for you. (:-)
To begin we’ll give a quick overview of dental tasks, then mention some of the specialties you can pursue and finally we’ll look at the actions a person in the dental field takes within a typical day of working in other peoples mouths. (:-)
A dentist is a specialist who can diagnose, prevent and treat all disorders related to your teeth and gums. Dental care involves the restoration and preservation of your natural teeth, filling cavities, removing rotten teeth if necessary and providing artificial teeth replacement. Some dentists are general practitioners who work with preventative dentistry and use diagnostic procedures, X-rays and instruments to evaluate the condition of your teeth and gums. Dentists perform checkups, take impressions for dentures, fill cavities and fit bridges. They use a variety of dental appliances, hand instruments, and surgical implements to perform their work accurately. Giving anesthetics called numbing or freezing is also done by a dentist or a dental hygienist...