The instance of colon cancer is on the rise. Colon cancer, like heart disease, is considered a twentieth century disease, as it was basically unheard of before the early 1900s. Most professionals consider colon cancer to be directly related to diet.
Taking better care of your colon and thus lessen the risk of colon problems or cancer can be accomplished by changes in your diet, exercise routine and lifestyle. Of the three, diet is the most important.
Lack of fiber in the diet is the number one cause of colon difficulties. Fiber helps the colon to function properly. By simply adding more breads and legumes to your diet can help keep your colon doing its job and allow your bowels to empty regularly. Soy products and increased calcium intakes have also been linked to positive colon health.
Water is essential to all parts of the body, but especially important in forming proper stools and colon elimination. The old adage of eight glasses per day is still true today. Soy products and other calcium rich foods can also be beneficial to colon health and well being.
Exercise is vital to colon health. Regular exercise, even simple walking, helps the colon by...