You may have heard of payday loans before, however, you probably don’t have much of an idea of how they were started or even why. These cash advance businesses started within the last decade so they aren’t very old. And, what they do is provide fast cash to individuals who find themselves in a financial situation that requires immediate funds.
It works like this. An individual finds himself in a situation where instant money is needed right now. Most banks and other lending institutions take several days if not longer to get a cash loan and many individuals don’t qualify for bank loans anyway. So, a money loan is made to an individual who visits a payday loans location and proves they have a guaranteed source of income as well as a checking account. Most all individuals who can prove this information may obtain a check advance quickly.
In order to receive a money advance from an emergency loans business there is usually no requirement for the individual to provide a social security number or get a credit check. The individual will then write a post dated check to the payday advance business and upon approval, which doesn’t take too long;...