One of the most popular credit card reward programs available today is the cash back credit card. These will give you a cash rebate every time you make a purchase. The best cash back credit cards appeal to many and would even include no annual fees and a 0% interest APR for up to 15 months. Imagine taking an instant discount every time you make a purchase on your cash back credit cards. Depending on where you shop, those savings could add up to a considerable sum.
Cash Back
The most basic benefit from a cash back credit card is your rebate from every purchase. Most companies give a 1% rebate on all purchases. However, some programs will give up to a 5% rebate on such purchases as groceries, drug store purchases, and especially gasoline. You have to spend these amounts of money anyway, so why not get a rebate for it? However, there are savings beyond what we have mentioned here.
Here is an example. Lets say that, over a month, you spend $500 at the grocery store, $100 at the pharmacy, and $150 filling up your car with gas. Your total spending during this month would be $750. If you get 5% back for these sorts of purchases from your...