Cash back credit cards have become extremely popular over the past several years as consumers are able to receive a percentage back of each purchase in the form of a cash rebate or incentive. Cardholders can get cash back on every purchase they make from everyday purchases at the grocery store to recurring monthly bills such as their cellular phone bills. If you are considering getting a cash back reward credit card, then here are a few things to consider before you apply. Knowing what to look for and having some knowledge about what type of offers are out there will help ensure that you get the credit card that is right for you.
The first thing to consider is where you make the majority of or a significant portion of your charges at. Does that store or vendor only take credit cards from Visa and MasterCard or do they accept other issuers like American Express and Discover? Most grocery stores and gas stations accept all or most issuers, but if you do a lot of shopping at wholesale clubs like Costco, Sams Club or BJs; you should consider which of the exclusive credit card issuers they do accept. We do most of our wholesale club shopping at our local Costco, so we opted...