Cash back credit cards are becoming more and more popular these days owing to its attractive cash back option. Cash back reward programs offers a flat percentage rate, generally 1% of purchases, rebated back to the customer in the form of a check at the end of a statement credit or at the end of the year.
Several merchants as well as established department stores offer cash back credit cards to entice its regular customers and new customers to encourage shopping at their stores by charging the purchases with their respective cash back credit cards. The customers who utilize this scheme will get the cash back reward for the total amount of purchases done at the end of a billing statement.
Most of the cash back credit card issuers create their own cash back credit programs. The two most popular types of cash back credit card programs will provide the customers with a credit to their balance card amount whenever the customer makes a purchase with the card. However, the original amount of the cash back reward a customer obtains will depend on the original terms and conditions of the cash back credit card program. This varies from one card issuer to the other and the...