Cash back credit cards are now being made available in a variety of new options. However, it is important for consumers not to skip over the process of researching all details of a card before applying. Cash back credit cards, although useful credit card solutions, also frequently carry with them several “catches” (targeted reward categories, high credit necessary to apply, potentially capped rewards) that consumers need to inform themselves about in order to maximize their effective use of the cards.
In a world of rising gas prices and falling employee compensation, it’s more true than ever that a small amount of cash can go a very long way. This, at least, is the logic behind the variety of new cash back credit cards that now flood the market from many major providers. These cards offer a number of different cash back plans for several types of purchases: cash back for retirement, for charity, for affiliate products. All are designed, at least in part, to encourage credit card use by returning some percentage of the purchase price to the consumer at the end of the year. It sounds like–and can be–a good deal, the literal truth of the...