Game is a very peculiar side of the human life that has its own laws, which do not fit into the framework of traditional logic. Here reigns His Majesty Chance and everything is relative: the weak can defeat the strong, the cunning can make a fool of himself, the poor can become rich, and vice versa.
Gamble opens up new possibilities of the personality, which are often not displayed in ordinary life. Almost everybody wants to get rich at once, without any efforts. Game gives a hope for this, but luck is destiny of the chosen ones.
Origins of the game.
Game and gamble has followed the humanity since its first steps. A grain of gamble is evident almost in everything, starting from hunting in the primitive society and up to major financial deals in the 21st century. Elements of game are inherent to many competitions and entertainments, which our forefathers arranged. For example, it is evident in competitions in strength and deftness, which were later transformed into famous tournaments. Later on the first gambling games appeared. They were based on the element of chance, trying ones destiny.
The historians believe that the very first game was casting...