Many people believe that the cause of childhood obesity is due to over eating and laziness and to an extent they are right but the main cause of childhood obesity are two reasons. The childs DNA and their parents. If people in the child’s family have been struggling with weight gain for most of their life then the genes in that child will make them more susceptible to follow the same pattern, but that can be prevented by healthy eating and exercise which is where the parents come in. Children imitate their parents behaviour so if the parents were to eat healthily and live active lifestyles the child is sure to follow but in this day and age that is not the case and because more adults are going down the road of obesity more children are following them and ultimately suffering at the same hand of fate as their parents although it could easily be prevented!
Parents have the most influence on their child’s life, they have the power to show the child that over eating and that lack of exercise is not acceptable in a young persons life and this is the cause of obesity problems later on in life. Obesity has some dreadful side affects and day to day life can be very...