Celexa And Cymbalta As Anxiety Treatments

| Total Words: 449

Stress and anxiety have become such an integral part of modern urban life, and it is no wonder that the market now is riddled with numerous drugs designed to lower these all-too-common human problems. It is not exaggeration to say that most people living and working in the city, particularly those climbing up the government bureaucracy or the corporate ladder, have had to take a chill pill or two. The fact is, with the modern world’s focus on success and the bottom line, the average Joe always lacks the time to unwind and vent. Some,with utter resignation, would just point to the mysterious signs on the back of the US dollar and understand why they have to be slaves even in the 21st century.

Of course, this particular situation is a veritable goldmine for folks who make the aforementioned chill pills. Stress, fear, anxiety, and whatever else might fit into their category all have a drug or two that is designed to help deal with the effects. These drugs, which often tackle certain chemical transmitters in the central nervous system, can sometimes be made to target a number of conditions at once. However, it is generally more common to see drugs that target either...

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