“Let us take this example – Your application has been selected for an ESL Job. Landing one of the ESL Jobs in Korea has always been a dream for you. Ever since you have been selected for this job, you are over the moon and already celebrating the success of your career. If you are going to prune into your ESL Job without any prior preparation, you are bound to head for trouble.
ESL Teaching Challenges
One of the big aspects of consideration for you would be the challenges you are expected to face in your ESL Job. Sitting at home, it could be very easy for you to estimate the ease of the task. When you set your first foot on the soil of your profession, you would realize the problems that lay in store for you. This is where an ESL Job is very frightening. Heres a drill down on the kind of challenges faced by a qualified teacher in an ESL Job:
People The biggest success factors for an ESL Job would be on how you adapt to the people over there. Assuming that you would be leaving your country and teaching people from the other country English, you would need to adjust to the countrys people. More than that, the adjustment to peoples...