Changing The Way We Listen To Music With The MP3 Music Player
Not so very long ago most of us who are old enough to remember probably had a collection of vinyl albums that reflected our wide taste in music. Such technology was all we knew and, with the help of a record player, we could enjoy our songs without having to wait for them to come on the radio. Today, technology is so different that it barely resembles its former self. Music lovers of today carry around portable devices that store all of their favorite songs in a piece of equipment that is barely larger than our thumbs. The MP3 music player technology initially appeared in the mid-1980s but we would not see the player in its present state until the late 1990s 1999 to be exact. But when it made its appearance it would change the world of music forever.
The MP3 music player utilizes media formatting technology to convert existing audio files to the MP3 format. The MP3 format consists of compressed audio files; audio that has been compressed into very small files that can fit into the MP3 music player. And it achieves this compression without sacrificing the audios sound quality. In some instances,...