Not many personal trainers and female trainees as well are aware of the difference between women’s and men’s physiology. It’s important, however, for professionals to know them. This way they will be able to design training programs that suit better the female athletes’s needs and requrements. Here are the most important characteristics:
Women store body fat more readily
The nature has not created things in favor of women as it comes to body fat accumulation. Women are prone to store fat more easily than men. The main reason for that is the female sex hormone estrogen.
Both men and women produce estrogen but in men this hormone is much less than in women. Estrogen possess fat accumulating properties, which, due to the larger quantities in women are a lot stronger pronounced. Also due to the specific fat receptor distribution women tend to store fat mainly in the lower body.
Women produce very little testosterone
Another physiological difference of great importance is the fact that women produce very little of the male sex hormone – testosterone.
Testosterone is an anabolic hormone, which means it promotes...