An organization dedicated to ending world hunger has found that goats may be the answer to giving children in impoverished families the gift of a better life.
Since 1944, Heifer International has provided resources to millions of poor families around the world to help them become more self-reliant. For example, through the charity’s gift of livestock and agricultural training, a family can obtain milk, eggs, wool and other income-producing benefits to feed, clothe and educate their children.
Recipients then promise to “pass on the gift” by donating their animal’s offspring to other families in need.
While Heifer supplies all kinds of animals, its annual “Kids to Kids” campaign focuses specifically on giving children the gift of goats. This animal can easily be cared for by youth because goats are playful and respond well to lots of love.
Heifer has found that goats have everything necessary for a child to grow up healthy. They provide protein-packed milk to build healthy bones, rich manure to fertilize gardens and increase crop yields, and fine wool to make warm clothes.
Nanny goats often have two to three...