Low interest credit cards are cards that provide significant purchasing power for consumers while minimizing their overall debt load. The term may seem bargain basement, but it is making sense to more and more consumers.
You should consider all fees while searching for a low interest credit card featuring,including annual fees, balance transfers, and any extra applicable fees.
Extra Fees
Credit card fees can often be avoided, but still require a thorough understanding. When these fees are all present in a credit card offer it may be wise to avoid the offer altogether. Some fees will be unavoidable, but others are completely avoidable.
Various extra fees include:
-Late payment fees
-Set-up fees
-“Over-the-credit-limit” fees
-Return items fees
-Fees for orders made by telephone
Balance Transfer Fees
Low Interest credit cards are often used in transferring balances from a higher interest rate credit card to a new lower interest rate card. Be sure to check if there are fees attached to any balance transfer. The best cards will offer no transfer fees or exceptionally low introductory annual...