Customers searching in a search engine query for web hosting reviews are bound to find websites offering many similar companies and portraying identical layouts of web hosting reviews and comparison charts. Customers browse between many identical hosting service providers across a large spectrum of different web hosting review websites, and feel perplexed by having to distinguish which hosting providers are the best when all reviews are covering equivalent web hosting companies.
Whats the reason for the similarity in web hosting companies, cheap prices, and the amount of benefits? Thats simple, affiliation.
So just what is an affiliation? Affiliation is what the top web hosting companies do to control the web hosting industry by setting-up a retailer like environment across the internet. It is a modern day version of how corporations franchise themselves globally. In this scenario, a normal person can set up their own website and affiliate themselves with any of their review websites self-proclaimed top 10 web hosting companies.
How is this affiliation system trustworthy when it is so widespread across the internet? The affiliation system allows web...