Every time you go to a car dealer to buy a car, whether it be new or used, it is highly likely that the dealer will also have on offer, various financing deals that will assist you in paying for the car. While these may seem extremely attractive, especially if you dont think you could afford the car outright, you should always check twice to make sure you are not getting ripped off or taken advantage of.
The most important thing to know in these situations where the car dealer is offering you vehicle financing, is that you do not have to take your car loan from the dealer. There are a host of alternative car loan sources that will be willing to lend you the money you need to buy the car, such as banks and other lenders, and if they are reluctant to lend you the money you need, perhaps this is an indication that you cannot afford the car and should look at buying something cheaper or waiting till you have a bit more money saved up to make the purchase.
Car dealers will often have offers for car loans that seem a lot more attractive on paper than they actually are in fact. For example, you should always ask, before considering an offer for credit, how much the car...