The cheapest car insurance for single people might not be very cheap. If you are single, you will pay a higher premium than a married couple or a mature driver. The car insurance industry has an age limit for drivers as well. If you are a single male aged twenty-three years old, you will have a higher car insurance rate than a single male aged twenty-nine as long as you both have the same driving record and credit history.
High-risk single drivers find car insurance rates even higher. The cheapest car insurance rate for a single male under twenty-five who has a less than perfect driving record will result in a big difference in price when receiving a quote for car insurance. Car insurance companies find young single women less of a risk and can offer the cheapest car insurance when the driver has a good driving record. Many other things need to be considered when looking for insurance when you are single.
Your location that you live in determines your car insurance rate as well. If you live in an area where the traffic is higher, you will receive a higher premium verses someone that lives in a low traffic area. Low crime areas also reflect on your car insurance...