Many people wonder whether or not their computer is secure. They fear that someone might be looking through their files, copying, altering, or erasing them. They are uneasy about the thought that someone might be monitoring their every move in cyberspace. These concerns come to mind when reminded of the problem of hackers, viruses, and other security risks that abound in the Internet. Fortunately its easy to prevent these problems by following a few simple tips.
Perhaps the most important step for computer security is to keep it updated. Install the latest critical updates and service packs from Microsoft’s download center. This is made easy by configuring the system to utilize Automatic Updates, if available. If not, updates can be downloaded directly from Microsoft’s download center. Currently, Service Pack 2 (SP2) is the most current Service Pack for Windows XP.
The easiest way to increase the security level of a computer is by using a firewall. Firewalls monitor all activity that occurs on a connection between one or more computers. They act as a wall with one or more computers on one side, and one or more computers...