Your credit file contains extensive information that can make or break you when you are attempting to finance an item, obtain a credit card or a personal loan, if you have never checked yours, now is a good time to do so. To check your credit file, you will need to individually (even if you are a married person) write to the two major credit reporting companies, Experian and Equifax, requesting your credit file. Things you will need to provide include any address you have lived at within the last six years, as well as 2.00 in the form of a postal order or a personal cheque, to each credit reporting company.
For Experian, you can reach them at the following address: P.O. Box 8000 Nottingham, NG1 5GX. You make your cheque or postal order payable to: Experian.
For Equifax, you can reach them at the following address: P.O. Box 1140 Bradford, BD1 5US. You make your cheque or postal order payable to: Equifax.
After you have applied to receive your credit file, you should obtain the information in around fourteen days. Your credit file will come with an extremely helpful booklet, which will explain certain key aspects to you such as, what you should do if you...