The good old days as I remember them were just that, the good old days.
Children of the 21st century
Playing hopscotch hide and seek even a game of rounders was all in a day’s fun for a thirteen year old in the good old days. Of course all good things come to an end when called in against your will and ordered up the stairs to wash behind your ears before bed, while the children of the 21st century slap on war paint to disguise their identities for approval into many disco night clubs. .
Succeeding in their mission to gain those added years they would then dance and party till dawn, while I remember back to my navy blue knickers and white vest hanging up to dry in front of an open coal fire for school the next morning.
The nature and attitude of the Children of the 21st century is so different from the days long gone. Children today have a lifestyle not a childhood, whose fault is that I ask. Where do the answers lie?
Remembering back to the words of Mother in the good old days, “There is your dinner”! Now it is “what you would like for dinner”? Another household saying of Mum’s was “I can not afford...