Going into business on your own can be a very scary proposition. Worry seems to crop up at every turn. From finances to ensuring enough work to actually stay busy, concerns people didn’t even think could become concerns will! There’s at least a little comfort to be had on the self employed health insurance front; options are available.
Finding the best possible self employed health insurance will very likely depend on personal circumstance, however, and even the state in which one resides. For example, some states require insurance companies allow the inclusion of the self employed in group health plans under special circumstances; others do not.
The basic things to look at for self employed health insurance, include:
* Necessity. The self employed will generally find if another option is available, such as a spouse’s group coverage, it will be the best overall choice. The coverage premiums tend to be less and the overall protection better in a lot of cases.
* Number of employees. If you’re going into business on your own, with no employees, it might be difficult to get into a group policy. When this option is present,...