Credit card offers come in two most popular ways: whether by letter mails or by e-mails, so this does not surprise you when after logging onto your email account, you get this stream of credit card offers promising you this better feature than the other, giving you lower rates than the most, featuring more rewards, and so on and so forth. If you are someone who is easily smitten by these juicy offers, you could easily give in and apply to the first mail that caught your fancy.
How can you decide which company has the best credit card offer? While you may not believe it, it would all start with you. You have to think if you can handle a credit card wisely such that it would not let you leave in financial setbacks because of inability to pay for the bills in the end. This is typically the consequence of most cardholders who does not pay attention to how he is using the credit card. It usually ends up leaving them without enough funds when the bill arrived because of the substantial amount of purchases.
Before deciding to apply for a credit card, make sure you know how you can use it in the wisest manner. Otherwise, you can stick with your cash on hands; though...