Birds are one of the most favored pets in the world. The bird lovers irrespective of the bird species they choose, the place they keep them, would no doubt like to choose a sturdy and comfortable cage for their pets. There are plenty of bird cages available in the market in various sizes and shapes the selection of a suitable cage for your pet is a challenge. One has to be aware about the uses and abuses of the house of their pets to make a wise decision.
Needless to say birds like more space to move around and as such one should not strictly confine to the size prescribed for the pet. It is always advisable to go for the largest size available in the market to see that your pet has always the luxury of freedom of maximum space.
While considering the shape of the birdcage one needs to remember that most commonly found cylindrical cages are not the best suited for these small flying creatures. Lengthy cages facilitate horizontal flying often preferred by the small birds and as such is more important than the height. Birds seldom fly up and down. Large birds like parrots need to be provided with cages taller in size to suit their habit of climbing up as a routine...