The Internet isn’t just a good way to research cars before you buy. It can also help steer you toward a reputable car dealer. When searching the Web for a car dealer, keep a few expert tips in mind:
-> Inventory-Are you interested in a reliable used vehicle and don’t mind a lot of miles or are you in the market for an environmentally savvy hybrid? Do you prefer domestics or imports? You may be interested in a specific make or model, or may want a dealership with a variety of different types of cars.
-> Financing-Many dealerships provide special-rate or low-credit financing. Be sure to think about how much of a down payment you can make or what monthly payment best fits your budget.
-> Communication-If you’d like to conduct business in a language other than English, you can research the languages spoken at dealerships. Buying a car is a big investment, and understanding everything about the vehicle you are interested in purchasing is very important.
-> Services-Different dealerships offer different services. Hate waiting? Search for a dealership with a courtesy shuttle or loaner cars. Need bodywork? Find a dealer that also has a...