Choosing a Mind-jarring Name for Your Business…
One of the most important things your new business needs is a name. Your business’ name will often be the very first thing your customers see, and the very first impression you make on any potential customers.
Endeavor to select a name that says something about you and your business that people in your target market will remember easily. If the name conjures up an easily recalled mental image, so much the better! This can be especially true on the World Wide Web where competition is fierce, and you really can’t bank on anyone bookmarking your site or adding it to her or his favorite’s list.
In the everyday brick and mortar world, a good basic idea is to simply use your last name followed by what you do. For example, Smith’s Lawnmower Sales and Repair or Jones’ Heating and Air are suitable. They are also easy to remember. You might also consider expanding the name by adding the town where your business is located. For example, you could use Smith’s St. Louis Lawnmower Sales and Repair.
Another avenue of thought might be to leave out your personal name entirely,...