When you’re shopping for a new credit card, the immediate features you see that attract your attention are the interest rate and the credit card reward programs offered. If you have good credit, you most likely would be approved for a card offering a 0% APR introductory period. This introductory low interest rate extends with an average of the first twelve months you have your new credit card.
With that in mind, the next thing to consider is the type of reward credit card that will fit your life style. It’s a large competitive field for your credit card dollar and the financial institutions are very creative in continually bringing out new credit card reward programs. With the ease of the internet, it is now possible to compare a larger number of credit card offers side by side.
If you travel frequently, there are a number of travel reward credit cards that offer an accumulation of points to be used for air travel, hotel reservations, cruises, and car rentals. Many of these same offers include a discount on these services too. On the other hand, some reward credit cards allow you to accumulate points for the purchases of a variety of products, to be...