Courage and skill being often of little use without a good weapon, I think it necessary, before I lay down rules for using it, to show how to choose a good blade, and how it ought to be mounted.
The length of the blade ought to be proportional to the stature of the person who is to use it: the longest sword, from point to pommel, should reach perpendicularly from the ground to the navel, and the shortest, to the waste; being large in proportion to its length, and not extremely large, nor very small, as some people wear them; the over large blades being unwieldy, unless very hollow, which makes them weak, and the narrow ones being not sufficient to cover the body enough.
How To Choose Your Perfect Blade
in order to choose a good blade, three things are to be observed: first, that the blade have no flaw in it, especially across, it being more dangerous so than length-way. secondly, that it be well tempered, which you’ll know by bending it against a wall or other place; if it bend only towards the point, ’tis faulty, but if it bend in a semicircular manner, and the blade spring back to its straightness, ’tis a good sign; if it remains bent...