Today there is no reason to spend $450.00 on an authentic Vuitton Monogram Papillion 30 Bag. With the number of replica handbag dealers on line there are many different replica designer bags to choose from. Better yet, there is probably no one you’re going to run into who will know the difference, you may not either. You’ll want to do your homework and take your time before buying a replica bag. You want to make sure that you get a good quality replica bag as some of them run in the $200.00 range.
Some online replica handbag sites actually have a hand in the manufacturing of the replicas. Look for these vendors. They choose the bag to be copied, choose the quality of the leather, the buckles and the zippers used. Higher quality business will do their absolute best to copy designer bags, down to the stitches used. They will inspect the bag paying attention to small details. They will also give you a money back guarantee or provide a one month warranty. These bags cost more than cheaper replicas, but they will be worth it.
Be wary of the cheaper replica handbags mass produced in China. Generally these cheap bags are easy to spot. The first clue as to the...