Many merchants and large department stores offer their customers credit cards with a cash back option, hoping that the credit cards will entice their customers to do more of their shopping in their particular store, and charge their purchases with the credit card in order to receive the cash back reward instead of making purchases with cash. The two most common forms of cash back programs will either provide cardholders with a credit to their credit card balance when a purchase is made using the card, or the cardholder will receive coupons in the mail to use in the store during the next visit in order to receive a certain dollar amount off their total purchase price. The actual dollar amount of cash back reward you receive will depend on the terms and conditions of the program itself, which vary from card to card, as well as the actual amount you charge on the card that offers the cash back incentive. Cash back credit cards are extremely popular with department stores, because the only way a cardholder can benefit from receiving cash back is to make purchases using the credit card in their store.
If you are deciding whether or not a cash back credit card is the best...