There was a time when we used glasses that changed color in sun. They were the two-in-one option of the bygone days. Now, we have contacts with the same two-in-one function. These are colored lenses that correct the vision and give a different color to your eyes.
There are a number of well known brands offering them. It is advisable that you settle for a known brand rather than going for something cheap manufactured by the unknown aliens, for saving in this area may not only be unhealthy but may also make you pay much more in medical bills. Besides, what’s the point in purchasing a cheap lens and then imagining all the damage it might be doing to your eyes. That would mean buying a lens and getting a headache for free.
The next step is to buy the right lens. In this category there are mainly three different kinds of lenses available. These are visibility tints lenses, opaque color tints and light filtering tints. These lenses are made in emulation of our own eyes, which makes them look astoundingly natural. It’s much like wearing an additional eye and if you buy a good quality lens it feels comfortable enough for you to forget you are wearing a lens at...