If you have decided to enroll in a helicopter flight school, many things come into play. Since it is not enough to just enroll at a school that charges the amount you can afford, the process of choosing gets more tricky than you realize. Here are some of the important things to consider to land on the right helicopter flight school for you.
The helicopter flight school fee
Since the most important thing you should have next to your desire to become a helicopter pilot is money, the very first thing you should do is to scout for a school that would let you finish the whole training. Of course you should have enough money to pay for the whole training but there are helicopter flight schools that offer financial aid that would help you ease the burden of paying a very high price.
Aside from this, you should also consider where exactly does your payment go. You should remember to know the breakdown of the total cost of the whole training. The following may or may not appear on the breakdown of your payment: accommodation, safety equipment, license fees and flight test fees, books and equipment, ground school, pre (and post) flight briefings, insurance, fuel,...