Most of us will assert that the simple act of possessing a credit card can make a person feel a lot more independent than other things.
The truth is you need to be extremely cautious when applying for a credit card, as it is a complex web of fees, charges, and interest rates (not to mention hidden clauses and terms which are not only illegal but also financially dangerous) which can sink you deep in debt.
Apply for a credit card only if you are sure that you will be able to make intelligent use of it in the near future. But first, you will need a layman’s crash course on credit card interest rates before you secure and swipe your card at the first opportunity.
I have found that interest rates are not the same for different applicants. But usually the means for assigning interest rates on an applicant is based on his credit history. Assuming that you have no history of bad credit, you could end up getting a loan at a relatively low interest rate. Alternatively, you would have no choice but to work hard in order to improve your credit.
This may be done the hard way, by taking the brunt of the compromised interest rate which the bank will...