With so many reward credit cards to choose from, how can you pick the best one for you? Here are some questions which you can ask yourself before deciding on which reward credit card you’ll be getting for yourself:
What type of reward do you really want? Rewards credit card may offer travel rewards, gas rewards, and cash back rewards. Which type of reward really suits your lifestyle? Make sure that the reward program you’ll choose is something that you can really benefit from.
Does it have an annual fee? Some reward credit cards charge for a high annual fee to continue your membership in the rewards program. If this is the case, does the annual fee off set the rewards you earn for the whole year? For example, if you need to spend $100 or more for the annual fee just to get a $50 reward points, then that’s not much of a benefit. However, there are many reward credit cards today that offer a free annual or a low annual fee plus the chance to earn unlimited reward points which truly make a great deal.
Does the credit card have a fixed rate or a variable rate? Most reward credit cards have a fixed APR or 0% APR as introductory offer. However,...