Many small business owners are hesitant to accept credit cards because they are afraid all of the fees and equipment costs, but fees are not the only thing to consider when you are looking for a payment processor.
First, think about the kind of company you want to do business with. There are banks that provide services that allow you to accept credit cards, as well as independent sales organizations and, sometimes, the credit card company itself.
The advantage of working with the same bank that has your other business accounts is that it is easier for you to deal with, and there may be someone local who you can call when you have problems.
On the other hand, independent sales organizations have more experience and are sometimes more flexible in the kinds of businesses they will work with.
When you’re shopping around and learning about the different packages that payment processing companies provide, here are some things you should pay attention to:
*Reliability: Does the network have a lot of downtime? What happens when the network goes down? What kind of customer support structure do they have in place? Is there someone you can call...