Those who smoke cigars, take their cigars seriously. For many, it is an indulgence in which they relish; a time to relax or reflect, celebrate or seal the deal. Whatever times or occasions one chooses to celebrate with a cigar, there is one thing they all have in common; their cigars must be fresh or the experience just isnt worth it.
Keeping Cigars Fresh
Humidity control is the primary way to ensure freshness for cigars. A humidor humidifier a device which adds just the right amount of moisture to the air of a humidor is a must have device for anyone who stores their cigars for longer than a week.
Collectors of fine cigars have invested a great deal of time and money into finding the finest manufactured cigars. To simply store those in a wooden box or jar would never do. These items must be stored in a properly controlled environment namely the humidor.
Sizes & Styles of Humidor Humidifiers
For a small collection of cigars a small container will do. Humidity still however needs to be properly regulated. Depending on the climate in which you live and the weather conditions, there may be enough humidity in the room air. Thats fine, but...