A good quality motorcycle tire is probably the most vital piece of equipment on your bike. Thanks to the internet you can find discount motorcycle tires on most motorcycle sites. The discounts vary depending on the site but they are usually cheaper then what your local dealer will charge you. To combat this dealers have come up with several things. One is that they will match the price of the tire you found on the web. The other is that they will charge you a fee of somewhere around the $25 range if you bring in a tire for mounting and will not charge you at all if you by the tire from them. Since getting a motorcycle tire on your a rim without a machine is really damn near impossible. This is how the dealers are trying to discourage you from buying online.
When choosing a motorcycle tire you need to ask yourself what kind of riding you will be doing and how much life you expect out of the tire. Generally the stickier the tire the bettor it will handle and the more aggressive you can ride with good grip. The longer lasting tires are less sticky and you give up some handling for longevity. When I say sticky what I am talking about actually has to do with the compound of...