Recently I had a chance to make a new friend with someone looking to get into fishing. When I asked him what he intended to fish with, he told me about some of the recommendations hed been given. As a result of the advice he received, he ended up with a “tweener”. That is, a rod that is in between, or can be used to fish for more than one species.
When choosing a rod, you want to pick one that BEST suits what you are fishing for. As I mentioned in one my earlier articles, when I first started fishing for these larger fish (Salmon/Steelhead), I didnt know anyone who was really into it. So I asked the guy at the store, and he showed me a “tweener” rod. Let me tell you right away…it doesnt work like that. It can catch you fish yes, but to really get into fishing, you want to use what works best.
Salmon Rods
Depending on where you intend to fish, these guys can reach the 50+ lb class. Are you going to be able to work one of these guys using the 10-20 lb rod (tweener rod) you got? Probably not. When fishing for Silvers (Coho) that rod is perfect, as these fish typically run in the 10-20 lb class. Sometimes a bit bigger but you get...