One of the crucial factors to consider when getting a loan is the length of the repayment period that you will apply for. This will affect how much you pay each month as well as the total amount you will pay back. As well as getting the length of repayment period right, you need to choose the right method of repayment so that you can afford the repayments whilst still paying your loan back quickly. Here is some advice about choosing the right repayment period for your loan.
Shorter period is better
Whenever you are looking to get a loan, work out what the shortest repayment period you can afford is for the amount you want to borrow. Although longer repayment periods will mean that you pay less each month, you will probably pay more in total because of the extra interest you will pay over the longer period. Always go for the shortest period you can afford to pay, as this will help you to pay your loan off more quickly and also save money by paying less in interest.
Standard loan repayments
As well as working out the length of your repayment, you need to consider the different methods of repaying your loan. Although not all loans offer different...