Cisco Certification: In What Order Should You Take Your CCNP Exams ?
When you choose to pursue your Cisco Certified Network Professional certification, you’ve got some decisions to make right at the beginning. Cisco offers a three-exam path and a four-exam path, and you select the order in which you’ll take and pass the exams.
While every CCNP candidate has to make their own decision, I’d like to share some thoughts based on my personal experience and the experiences of CCNPs worldwide.
The solid foundation of networking knowledge you built as a CCNA will help you a great deal on your BSCI (Building Scalable Cisco Internetworks, 642-801) exam. This is the most common exam to take first, and I’d recommend you do so as well. While there are some topics that will be new to you, such as BGP, many of the BSCI topics will be familiar to you from your CCNA studies.
The “middle” exams are the BCMSN (Building Cisco Multilayer Switched Networks, 642-811) and BCRAN (Building Cisco Remote Access Networks, 642-821). There is no real advantage in taking one of these before the other, although most candidates take the switching...