Cisco Certification: The Most Important Study You’ll Ever Do Is….
All of us are familiar with the pyramids of Egypt. These magnificent structures have stood for thousands of years, withstanding extreme heat and other factors that would bring down an ordinary structure.
When we look at these pyramids, we instinctively look toward the peak. We tend to do the same with the Cisco Learning Pyramid. If you’re not familiar with this, Cisco uses a pyramid to illustrate how the CCIE is at the peak of the Cisco certification structure, with the CCNP in the middle and the CCNA at the bottom.
I’m often asked how to become a CCIE. My response is always “Become a master CCNA and a master CCNP first”. That answer is often followed by a puzzled look, as though I’ve mentioned some new kind of Cisco certification. But that’s not it at all.
The reason the pyramids of Egypt are so strong, and the reason they have lasted for thousands of years, is that their foundations are so strong. It’s not the well-built peak that allows such a building to last it’s the foundation.
The same can be said for your...