Every year you plan to avoid the credit card fiasco, and even make a wholehearted attempt to purchase all of your holiday gifts with cash. If youre reading this article, chances are you ended up using your credit cards more than intended! Dont despair though; there are some tried and true methods of fixing your holiday credit card slump that you can put into action right away. Here are some strategies to climb out from underneath the holiday credit card slump- and help you pay off those purchases quickly so you arent still paying for them by the time the holiday season rolls around again next year.
Use Introductory Offers to Your Advantage
After the holidays many credit card companies release special introductory rates to entice new customers to apply for their cards. If you can find one that offers 0% interest on balance transfers for a year, youre in! You can transfer your holiday debt from the various cards that you used, and pay it off without hefty interest rates. Another benefit of this technique is the fact that youll have a single payment even if you had used several credit cards for holiday shopping. Once you combine all of them on the new 0% balance...